Men and Masculinity (in URDU)


Spirituality, Activism and Life - Interviews


FEATURED: 9000 Years of Spiritual Heritage of Pakistan The Story of a Banyan Tree


Dialogues on Personal and Global Peace

Reflections on Religion and Spirituality


Black Hole Presentation

Matrix Media Interview

PTV Interview with Tauseeq

Book Launch

Geo TV Interview with Huma On Men (Between Saints & Sinners)

Men and Masculinity - Beginnings

Socialization of Men into 'Real Men"

Roots of the Core Issues of Pakistan

Sex and sexuality - Dirty or Sacred

Sexual Morality, Honor, and Pole Dancing'

8th of March and the tradition of Pakistani Men's involvement

11000 Years of Spiritual Heritage of Pakistan

Harari on Spirituality and Religion (dubbed in Urdu)

Origins of Hindu Castes: When, Why and by Whom? (Urdu)

Origins of Hindu Castes: When, Why, and by Whom? (English-Dubbed)

Problems with the "Great" Muslim Invaders as Role Models (Urdu)

Strengthening Your Spirituality Without Formalism

Strengthening Your Spirituality Without Formalism

Sufism and Devotion... But with CAUTION!

Interviewed by Dr. Khalid Sohail (Urdu)

Book Launch of Two Candles of Peace (Urdu)

House of Wellness Interview (Urdu)

Alliance (APNA) interview on RAISING YOUTH (English)

ATV interview with Farah, on Sufism and Tareeqat (Urdu)

Meditating together - Simple Breathing - Vipassanna (English)

Take Stock of Your Life - Spiritual Groundwork (English)

Turn on Your Heart Light - Old Tibetan Meditation (English)

Loving Kindness Meditation - METTA - 1 (English)

Loving Kindness Meditation - METTA - 2 (English)

Loving Kindness Meditation - METTA - 3 & 4 (English)

Recent Interviews

On Fathers in South Asia

with Malton Women Council

AIOU Interview - Batein Mulaqatein 2024